The 6th International Conference on Remote Sensing and GeoInformation of Environment will take place on 26-29 of March 2018 in Paphos, Cyprus. GET’ team in cooperation with team from the Geography Department of Harokopio University will present the paper “OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES USING SENTINEL DATA”, Panagiotis Symeonidis*(a), Theodoros Vakkasa, Theodora Perroub, Issaak Parcharidis (b), (a):Geospatial Enabling Technologies, 43 Poseidonos Avenue & Chr. Smirnis, 18344 Athens, Greece, (b):Harokopio University of Athens (HUA), Department of Geography, 70 El. Venizelou, 17671 Athens).
GET participates at the 6th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment
Feb 8, 2018 | Conferences - presentations