Software as a Service

Informatics evolution and more specifically in cloud computing makes software as a service necessary solution. Via this approach, GET designs solutions offering software or application which is provided as a service to the user. GET has virtual servers in order to support and host application developed for its customers, in this way customers do not have to buy hardware, there is no limit in user licenses, with direct access in the application or in software through the web.

Migration Assessment

Migration process from one software or system to another is very often the solution for saving resources and for improving the operation of an organization or a company. GET provides consulting, technical support, installation and placing into services new Geo-Informatics systems/software/application which will replace the existing infrastructures. GET proposes to the organization/company software which cover their needs technically and financially, installs the new software (database management system, desktop GIS, webGIS applications), implements data transfer from the old system to the new one and ensures the interoperability and communication with other existing systems of the customer.


Keeping pace with the new trends in Geo-informatics for Free and Open Source Software solutions and web services as well as for commercial software (Intergraph), GET provides training services through high level of certified technical knowledge and expertise:

Professional training seminars: the seminars aim to transfer technical knowledge for professional exploitation of Geo-informatics software and applications, through the presentation, use and training in Free and Open Source Software, desktop, spatially activated databases as well as learning of geo-informatics web services development focusing on the free accessible web services (Web Services CSW, WMS, WFS etc. according INSPIRE Directive and 3882/2010 law) and free and out of charge available geospatial data.

Training services as part of project implementation and delivery: following the completion of a project, the main objective of GET is to transfer to customer’s employees the technical knowledge required in order to ensure the proper function of the system by the side of administrators as well as to fully use the functions of the system and applications as a useful operational tool for covering daily needs of the customer.

Customized development

GET does not provide ready-box solutions which have to be adapted by the customer, GET provides solutions developed in a way fully adjusted to customers’ requirements (technical and financial) as a customized tools for solving problems and covering customers’ needs. In order to succeed the customized applications development, GET, in full cooperation with the customer, presents in detail the steps for the implementation of the project, is informed about the needs/requirements which will be covered by the application and they decide (GET and the customer) about the application implementation so that this application will be useful tool for the customer.

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