RC “Athena” participates in the design and development of the IRC-HERMES project (http://irc-hermes.eu/), with the aim of providing a single platform for the strategic management of buildings / settlements and the collection, support, protection and promotion of Cultural Heritage. The project relies on the previously successful HERMeS infrastructure (Europa Nostra Award, 2015) and includes the recording and digitization of buildings / settlements of high cultural interest, the automated prioritization of interventions to local authorities and the implementation of common cultural heritage characteristics, physiognomy and pathology features. The project will provide open data of buildings / settlements, on-site labels, web application for information sharing, as well as a platform to support the educational process.

The objectives of the project, the implementation of which has been undertaken by GET, are:

  • Design and specifications of the system architecture: It concerns the design of the information system that will be developed for the management of the collected building data that will arise during the implementation of the project.
  • Services for the design, development and expansion of four (4) algorithms for automated evaluation and prioritization of interventions in buildings based on the available collected data, as well as the main algorithm of the HERMeS system

Development of the online application of IRC-HERMES for the visualization and provision of analysis services of the cultural value of buildings / settlements: It concerns the development of an online cartographic application that will present the results of the project in aa web map environment.