Η Ανώνυμη Αναπτυξιακή Εταιρεία Μηχανογράφησης και Επιχειρησιακών Μονάδων Ο.Τ.Α. του Δήμου Αθηναίων (ΔΑΕΜ) προχώρησε σε ανανέωση της σύμβασής της με τη GET για την εφαρμογή Μητρώου Τοπογραφικών Διαγραμμάτων (ΜΤΔ). Πρόκειται ουσιαστικά για την για την κάθετη εφαρμογή Διαχείρισης Τεχνικών Μελετών που παρέχει η GET στο portfolio της για την Έξυπνη Πόλη – GET CITY PLANNING.

Municipality of Athens Computer Development Societe Anonyme and Business Units of Local Authorities (DAEM SA) renewed its contract with GET for the implementation of the Register of Topographic Charts (RTC). This is essentially the vertical application for the Management of Technical Studies, provided in GET’s Smart City portfolio,  GET CITY PLANNING.

The vertical application is implemented through a web application and consists of the following components:

  • Authentication and user management subsystem: supports login / registration via TaxisNet
  • submission and automated control unit of submitted data: the data are checked automatically and in real time for their compliance (at editorial level) with the specifications
  • geocoding unit: allows the identification of addresses, coordinates, numbers of Building blocks, based on the real numbering and naming of streets of the Municipality
  • request management unit (control – reschedule – approval / rejection – file): allows the management of requests (undertaking, processing, post-obligation), the interaction of employee – submitter, keeping a history of (re) submissions and issuance of relevant documentary evidence.

In addition, each diagram submission is accompanied by descriptive information entered by the submitter and updates the Registry search engine.

The Register was implemented in order to automate the procedures for submitting requests and geographical data to the Municipality and to improve the services provided by the Municipality of Athens to professionals and citizens. The creation of a single database, the transparent management of requests, the saving of resources, the standardization of procedures and data are the main objectives of the Municipal Services that are achieved by the adoption of this solution.