Western Greece Region touristic promotion and touristic data management application for BYTE Computers Company



Name:  Region of Western Greece Website: http://ppel.gov.gr/

Western Greece Region is the second-degree authority of local government and covers the northwestern part of Peloponissos and the western part of Central Greece.  Largest city and capital of the Region is Patra.

  Project’s aim is the design and development of a web platform for mapping local rural and industry products basket for the Region of Western Greece as well as its production units (producers, certification bodies, rural consortiums, SMEs) of rural sector. eBasket is the driveshaft of the implemented by the Western Greece Region Operation Program “Agrocart for Western Greece Region” and the combined development tools, such as the Agricultural/livestock Plan, the agri-food partnership, the Auction and contract farming. eBasket/AgroCart can promote and enhance agrotourism and gastronomic tourism in Western Greece Region. GEOSPATIAL ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (GET), as BYTE Computers company subcontractor, implemented part of the project “Western Greece Region eBasket”. GET integrated geospatial data tables into the database, design, design and development of GeoPortal (AgroCart Map), integrating GET SDI Portal into the main Portal of the Project.      



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