Touristic applications development for the Project NETCASTLE

Name: Regional Development Fund of Ionian Islands
The project entitled “ Network creation and promotion of castles “ and acronym ” Net Castle” is implemented under Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece – Albania 2007 – 2013 and is part of Priority 2 – Promotion and sustainable development of environment and natural and cultural resources The partner regions attract a lot of tourists thanks to their historical monuments. Leader of the project is the Ionian islands Region / Regional sector of Corfu. The project is co-funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (75%) and National resources (25%).GET participated st the project “Touristic content collection, digitization and applications development for NETCASTLE Network creation and promotion of castles)“, developing Geographic Information Systems applications.
The project concerns the promotion and dissemination of a common cultural product at the border area in order to enhance tourism industry with the use of new technologies and digital tourism. The use of new technologies is the keystone for the implementation of the project which will make the area attraction for tourists and will effectively presents area’s history and culture. The project actually aims to create a network for the promotion of cultural heritage of historic castles of the areas. The whole project provides educational experience with the use of multicultural interactive experiential services.
GET developed GIS web application and Open Data Portal with the use and customization of Free and Open Source software

- GET SDI Portal