Development of a Geographical Information System for Manufacturing Activity in the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki, Region of Central Macedonia


Name: Region of Central Macedonia

The Region of Central Macedonia is the largest in area and second in population Region of Greece. Administratively it is a secondary level local government organization and geographically covers the central part of Macedonia, with the exception of the Mount Athos peninsula. The region is divided into seven regional units, which are geographically identical with the respective prefectures, one of which is the Thessaloniki Metropolitan Unit.


GET, in collaboration with AKKT Consulting Engineers, undertook the implementation of the project: “Design and Implementation of a Geographical Information System for Manufacturing Activity in the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki” for the Region of Central Macedonia, Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki.

The scope of the project concerned the development of specialized applications to support the operation of the Agency with regard to the management of data related to the operation of manufacturing enterprises.

Specifically, a web mapping application was designed and developed to disseminate the geospatial data of the manufacturing units database in the form of dynamic, interactive maps. The database contains information from the analogue files of the enterprises that were kept in the Agency, after being digitized. The application allows the visualization and analysis of geospatial data, as well as the ability to search the list of metadata related to the manufacturing enterprises, based on criteria specified by the INSPIRE Directive.

In addition, an online application for the Electronic Management of Licensing Requests was developed. The purpose of the application was to create a state-of-the-art online platform for the management of licensing requests submitted to the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Directorate. The use of the application on the one hand facilitates the internal processes of the Agency and on the other hand provides advanced electronic services to the stakeholders. The application allows the entire lifecycle of licensing applications to be managed, from submission to approval. It also provides specialized reporting to enhance the analysis process and thus supporting planning and decision-making process.


  • PostgreSQL
  • Geoserver
  • QGIS

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