Business Intelligence & Analytics application for EPSA S.A.



Name:  EPSA S.A. Website: EPSA company was founded in 1934 and since then it has high level of evolution. EPSA produces and bottles beverages. It has modern facilities with Organic cleaning and modernized production facility. EPSA has also a wide sales network all over Greece and it has won several awards in bottling process sector.  
  GEOSPATIAL ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (GET) in cooperation with TERRA developed application for EPSA S.A. The purpose of this application is the geographic display of EPSA products refrigerators location and information for new refrigerators. At the same time, an application concerning PDAs equipped with GPS sensor was developed in order to update any changes taking place by EPSA salesmen. Addresses of all refrigerators were imported into the database which was designed and developed by GET and TERRA and with the use of this address or the location (X.Y) geocoding process took place with the use of customized software. All refrigerators locations displayed on a map (1:50.000), for urban areas basemaps of bigger scale were used. In the database there are available features regarding serial number of each refrigerator, address, owner’s name, location and there is search service with all possible criteria e.g. region, owner’s name, location, address.  


  • Intelliwhere OnDemand
  • Oracle
  • Geomedia
  • Custom applications



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