R&D Project IRC-HERMES “InterRegional Cultural HERitage Management E-System”
GET participated in the design and development of the IRC-HERMES project as a subcontractor of EP “Athena” with the aim of providing a single platform for the strategic management of buildings / settlements and the collection, support, protection and promotion of Cultural Heritage and as subcontractor CUT providing the services of 360 Degree Digital Imaging Services (sphere) in 4K resolution of the historic centers of the four historic cities of the project.
The IRC-HERMES project relied on the previously successful HERMeS infrastructure (Europa Nostra Award, 2015) and included the recording and digitization of buildings / settlements of high cultural interest, the automated prioritization of interventions to local authorities and the implementation of common features of heritage and nature. The results of the project open data of registration of buildings / settlements, uniform on-site signs, application of guide / information to visitors, as well as the platform to support the educational process are offered openly.
The participating cities were Corfu (http://corfu.irc-hermes.eu/), Samos (http://samos.irc-hermes.eu/), Ohrid (http://ohrid.irc-hermes.eu/) and Gjirokaster (http://argyrokastro.irc-hermes.eu/). For each city the visitor can be informed in detail and see photos for each building that was digitally documented (via the Building Stock page), see the HERMeS conservation plan that emerged for each settlement (via the HERMeS Conservation Plan page), but and make his own conservation plan for the city (via the Your Conservation Plan page). Finally, the visitor can visit the educational portal of the project (https://learning.irc-hermes.eu/) with the purpose to introduce learners to the concept of cultural heritage preservation.
On the occasion of the completion of the IRC-HERMES project, GET invites you to “guide” through each of the four participating cities, to be informed about the results of the project, which include the digital mapping and analysis of the cultural stock of buildings / settlements of each city and if you are interested to create your own conservation plan for each city.

- GET SDI Portal
- ODK Server
- Customized WordPress
- Geoserver
- PostgreSQL
The scope of activities of Athena RC includes all Information and Communication Technologies, from the perspective of both Computer Science and Computational Sciences, and covering all software and hardware aspects. These include all areas of informatics, data science, robotics, automation, signal processing, artificial intelligence, networking and digital communication, and modelling NS.
Website: https://www.athenarc.gr/el
Name: Cyprus University of Technology
An important parameter of the international recognition that the University enjoys is the universities’ international rankings. In less than 14 years of operation, the CUT has occupied high positions in three of the most well-known international ranking lists: Times Higher Education, QS and Shanghai.
Website: https://www.cut.ac.cy/